Ford Explorer: Towing
Vehicle Loading - with and without a Trailer
This section guides you in the proper loading of your vehicle, trailer, or both.
Keep your loaded vehicle weight within its design rating capability, wi..
WARNING: Towing trailers beyond the maximum recommended gross trailer weight
exceeds the limit of your vehicle and could result in engine damage, transmission
damage, structural damage, loss of ve..
Other information:
Guidance for Ford Motor Company Electric and Hybrid-Electric Vehicles Equipped
With High Voltage Batteries
(Vehicle Owner/Operator/General Public) Electric and Hybrid-Electric Vehicle
In the event of damage or fire involving an electric vehicle or hybrid-electric
Always assume the high-voltage battery and associated components are energized
and fully charged...
You need to break in new tires for approximately 300 mi (480 km). During this
time, your vehicle may exhibit some unusual driving characteristics.
Avoid driving too fast during the first 1,000 mi (1,600 km). Vary your speed
frequently and change up through the gears early...
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Note: You may not be able to shift out of park (P) unless the intelligent
access key is inside your vehicle.
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