Ford Explorer: Instrumentation, Message Center and Warning Chimes / Description and Operation - Message Center - System Operation and Component Description

Ford Explorer 2020-2025 Service Manual / Electrical / Instrumentation and Warning Systems / Instrumentation, Message Center and Warning Chimes / Description and Operation - Message Center - System Operation and Component Description

System Operation

System Diagram

Item Description
1 RH steering wheel switch
4 Door/liftgate ajar switches
7 Fuel pump and sender unit
10 Washer fluid level switch
11 Message center display
13 Parking brake switch
14 PCM
15 Engine oil pressure sensor
16 Ambient air temperature sensor
17 Drive mode switch
18 HCM
19 DSM
20 GSM
22 RCM
23 AWD module
24 ABS module
25 PAM
26 HVAC module
28 Brake fluid level switch
29 Hood ajar switch

Network Message Chart

  Module Network Input Messages - IPC

Broadcast Message Originating Module Message Purpose
Active park assist warning message request IPMB (with 360° camera)/ PAM (without 360° camera) Input used to display the active park assist warning message.
Adaptive cruise control gap distance display   IPMA Input used to display the adaptive cruise control gap distance.
Adaptive cruise control warning display   IPMA Input used to display the adaptive cruise control warning messages.
Adaptive cruise control warning request   IPMA Input used to display the adaptive cruise control warning messages.
Adaptive headlamp fault   HCM Input used to display the adaptive headlamp system warning message.
Ambient air temperature   PCM Input used to control the outside air temperature display.
AWD status display request AWD module
  • Input used to display the 4WD warning messages.
  • Input used to display the off road message center messages and display.
AWD terrain mode status AWD module Input used to display the drive mode message center messages.
Battery low state of charge   BCM Input used to control the check charging system warning message and load shed messages.
Battery state of charge data (PHEV, China only)   BECM Input used to display the current available high voltage battery charge.
Brake event data   PCM Input used to display the percentage of regenerative braking recovered from a single stop.
Brake fluid level low message request   BCM Input used to display the low brake fluid level message center message.
Brake lamp request ABS module Input used to display the electric park brake warning messages.
Brake pedal applied   PCM Input used to display the brake applied power reduced message center message.
Brake (red) warning indicator request ABS module Input used to display the message center brake system messages and to display the parking brake message center warning messages.
Camera status   IPMA Input used to display the lane keeping system camera malfunction message.
Charge cord connection status (PHEV)   PCM Input used to control the charge cord connection status warning message.
Check fuel fill inlet message request   PCM
  • Input used to display the check fuel fill inlet message for capless fuel inlet (gas vehicles).
  • Input used to display the check fuel door messages (HEV).
Child lock message display request   BCM Input used to display the child lock system fault message.
Compass direction   APIM Input used to display the current compass heading.
Cross traffic alert left sensor status   SODL Input used to control the BLIS message center messages.
Cross traffic alert left status   SODL Input used to control the BLIS message center messages.
Cross traffic alert right sensor status   SODR Input used to control the BLIS message center messages.
Cross traffic alert right status   SODR Input used to control the BLIS message center messages.
Cruise control set speed display   PCM
  • Input used to indicate the cruise control set speed displayed in the message center.
  • Input used to calculate and display the digital speedometer in the message center.
Cruise control override   PCM Input used to control the adaptive cruise control set speed display when the cruise control is overridden by the driver.
Cruise control status   PCM Input used to control the cruise control message display based on the system status.
Driver alert warning display   IPMA Input used to control the driver alert warning display.
Driver door ajar status   BCM
  • Input used for the door ajar warning message.
  • Input used for the vehicle on warning message (push button start).
  • Input used to control the transmission not in park warning message.
Electric Vehicle (EV) coach mode message display   PCM Input used to control the electric, hybrid or charge mode message display.
Electric Vehicle (EV) mode status   PCM Input used to control the Electric Vehicle (EV) mode messages.
EPAS failure   PSCM Input used to control the service power steering message display.
Engine active status   PCM
  • Input used to indicate electric driving in the fuel economy display.
  • Input used to indicate "all electric" in the fuel economy display when This Trip or Trip Summary consists of electric driving only.
Engine coolant temperature data   PCM Input used to control the engine over-temperature warning message.
Engine oil life   PCM Input used for the engine oil life display and oil change messages.
Engine oil pressure warning indicator request   PCM Input used to control the low engine oil pressure message center warning.
Engine overheat indication request   PCM Input used to control the engine over-temperature warning message.
Engine rpm data   PCM
  • Input used to control the low engine oil pressure warning message.
  • Input used to calculate the Average Fuel Economy (AFE).
  • Input used to control the engine hour display (Police only).
EPAS failure   PSCM Input used to display the steering system warning messages.
Factory mode   BCM
  • Input used to indicate the vehicle is set in factory mode.
  • Input used to display the PRNDL not in park warning message.
  • Input used to display the appropriate message and power down items such as the PRNDL at key off to conserve the battery.
Forward collision warning indicator request   IPMA Input used to display the forward collision alert warning and malfunction messages.
Fuel alcohol percent   PCM Input used to calculate the DTE.
Fuel flow volume display   PCM Input used to calculate the Average Fuel Economy (AFE) and DTE.
Fuel maintenance mode display   PCM Input used to display the Electric Vehicle (EV) fuel message center message.
Hill descent control message request ABS module Input used to control the hill descent control message center messages.
Hill start assist status ABS module Input used to display the hill start status messages.
Hood ajar status   BCM Input used to control door ajar and hood ajar warning messages.
Hybrid mode status display   PCM Input used to highlight the vehicle range information for selected Electric Vehicle (EV) modes.
Ignition key type   BCM Input used to calculate the Average Fuel Economy (AFE) for MyKey® settings.
Ignition status   BCM
  • Ignition RUN, START and accessory states required for the IPC operating modes and fault reporting.
  • Input used to display the transmission not in park warning message.
  • Input used to control the odometer display.
Immobilizer message request   BCM Input used to display the passive entry (no key detected, place key in backup slot, restart now, key programming and accessory power active).
Keycode status   BCM Input used to display the factory keypad code.
Lane keeping system status display   IPMA Input used to control the lane keeping system fault messages.
Lane keeping system hands off display   IPMA Input used to display the lane keeping system keep hands on the steering wheel warning message.
Left rear door ajar status   BCM Input used for the left rear door ajar warning message.
Liftgate ajar status   BCM Input used for the liftgate ajar warning message.
Lock system message request   BCM Input used for the switch inhibit and child lock malfunction warning messages.
Low engine use message display   PCM Input used to display the Electric Vehicle (EV) message center message due to low engine use.
Memory command   DSM Input used to display the memory seat message center messages.
Memory command drive status   DSM Input used to display the memory seat message center messages.
Neutral tow status   PCM Input used to display the neutral tow message center messages.
Odometer count   PCM
  • Input used to control the odometer display.
  • Input used to calculate the Average Fuel Economy (AFE) and DTE.
Outside air temperature status HVAC module Input used to control the outside air temperature display.
Park aid switch status IPMB (with 360° camera)/ PAM (without 360° camera) Input used to display the MyKey® park aid warning message.
Parking aid front status IPMB (with 360° camera)/ PAM (without 360° camera) Input used to display the front park aid message center messages.
Parking aid rear status IPMB (with 360° camera)/ PAM (without 360° camera) Input used to display the rear park aid message center messages.
Parking brake chime request   BCM Input used to display the message center brake system messages.
Parking brake message request ABS module Input used to display the electric parking brake status messages.
Parking brake (red) indicator request ABS module Input used to display the electric parking brake status messages.
Parklamp status   BCM Input used to control the trailer lighting message center display.
Passenger door ajar status   BCM Input used for the passenger door ajar warning message.
Pedestrian alert fault   PACM Input used to display the pedestrian alert fault message.
Perimeter alarm chime request   BCM Input used to display the perimeter alarm message when the vehicle is entered before deactivating the perimeter alarm.
Police idle mode message request   BCM Input used to display the police idle message center messages.
Power level fill display   PCM Input used to display the fill level in the Electric Vehicle (EV) coach display.
Power level threshold display   PCM Input used to display the power level threshold for electric only operation in the Electric Vehicle (EV) coach display.
Power regeneration threshold display   PCM Input used to display the available amount of braking energy which can be captured by the regenerative braking system and returned to the high voltage battery.
Power pack status   PCM
  • Input used for the vehicle on warning message (push button start)
  • Input used to display the passive entry (no key detected, place key in backup slot, restart now, key programming and accessory power active).
Powertrain cooling message request   PCM Input used to display the power reduced to lower engine temperature warning message.
Range per charge display   PCM Input used to display the range per full charge in the electric efficiency display.
Ready to drive display   PCM Input used to display the Electric Vehicle (EV) ready to drive message center message.
Rear belt monitor   RCM Input used to display rear belt monitor status.
Rear differential oil temperature warning request   PCM Input used to display the axle overtemp warning message.
Refuel system status display (HEV)   PCM Input used to display the check fuel door messages.
Regenerative braking event level data   PCM Input used to display the percentage of regenerative braking recovered from a single stop.
Remote start status   BCM Input used to control the remote start informational message display.
Right rear door ajar status   BCM Input used for the right rear door ajar warning message.
Second row driver seatbelt buckle status   RCM Input used to display the rear seatbelt monitor warning messages.
Second row middle seatbelt buckle status   RCM Input used to display the rear seatbelt monitor warning messages.
Second row passenger seatbelt buckle status   RCM Input used to display the rear seatbelt monitor warning messages.
Side obstacle status-left   SODL Input used to control the BLIS message center messages.
Side obstacle status-right   SODR Input used to control the BLIS message center messages.
Starting system message request   PCM Input used to display starting system messages.
Stability-traction control chime request ABS module Input used to control the service AdvanceTrac® and traction control off warning displays.
Stability-traction control message request ABS module Input used to display the side wind stabilization message center message.
Stability-traction control on/off message request ABS module
  • Input used to control the traction control on/off status messages.
  • Input used to control the drive mode off road display.
Starting system message request   PCM Input used to display the starting system message center messages.
Steering wheel lock message request   BCM Input used to control the steering wheel lock system messages.
Steering wheel message center switch data   SCCM Input used to control the message center navigation and functions.
Stop-start warning message request   PCM Input used to control the auto stop-start warning messages and additional driver instructions.
Third row driver seatbelt buckle status   RCM Input used to display the rear seatbelt monitor warning messages.
Third row passenger seatbelt buckle status   RCM Input used to display the rear seatbelt monitor warning messages.
Tire pressure placard data   BCM Input used for the tire pressure displays by tire location.
Tire pressure system status   BCM Input used to display specific tire training instructional messages and TPMS fault messages.
Trailer sway event status ABS module Input used to display the trailer sway warning message.
Transmission service required   PCM Input used for the transmission component to control the transmission warning messages.
Transmission gear display   PCM
  • Transmission gear selection input used for the PRNDL display.
  • Input used for the vehicle on (push button start) warning message.
  • Input used for the transmission not in park warning message.
Transmission gear lever position   PCM Input used to display the manual (M) in the PRNDL.
Transmission gear message request   PCM Input used to display the transmission not in park warning message (rotary shift).
Transmission gear status   PCM Input used to display the transmission not in park warning message (rotary shift).
Transport mode   BCM
  • Input used to indicate the vehicle is set in transport mode.
  • Input used to display the transmission not in park warning message.
  • Input used to display the appropriate message and power down items such as the PRNDL at key off to conserve the battery.
  • Input used to control the odometer display.
  • Input used to calculate the DTE.
Trip odometer verify   PCM Input used to control the trip odometer display.
Vehicle configuration data   BCM Input used to control the odometer display.
Vehicle on message display   PCM Input used to display the vehicle is on warrning message when the driver door is opened with the vehicle running.
Vehicle pitch angle display ABS module Input used to control the drive mode off road display.
Vehicle plugged in message request   PCM Input used to control the 'are you plugged in' warning message.
Vehicle roll angle display ABS module Input used to control the drive mode off road display.
Vehicle speed   PCM
  • Input used to control the transmission not in park warning message.
  • Input used to display the digital speedometer.
  • Input used to control the vehicle on warning message (push button start).
  • Input used to calculate the Average Fuel Economy (AFE).
  • Input used to display the MyKey® speed limit warning messages.
  • Input used to control the engine idle hour display (Police only).

  Module Network Input Messages - PCM

Broadcast Message Originating Module Message Purpose
Engine oil life reset request   IPC Input used to reset the engine oil life.

Message Center Displays

Brake Coach Display

The IPC provides a brake coach display in the message center after the vehicle has come to a complete stop. It coaches the driver to brake in a manner which maximizes the amount of energy returned through the regenerative braking system. The percent displayed is an indication of the regenerative braking efficiency with 100% representing the maximun amount of energy recovery. The brake coach display can be enabled or disabled through the message center display setup menu.

The IPC receives brake event data and regerative braking event level data messages from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the brake event data and regerative braking event level data messages from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

Compass Display

On the IPC, the compass is displayed in the message center as a 1 or 2 character display to indicate the current direction of the vehicle (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, or NW). The IPC receives the compass direction from the APIM over the HS-CAN3.

Digital Speedometer

NOTE: The digital speed displayed can differ slightly from the analog speedometer due to stepper motor-pointer movement, indication tolerances and gauge bias.

The IPC provides a redundant digital speedometer display in the message center. The IPC utilizes software that modifies the display to account for differences between the speedometer gauge indication and the digital display resulting from built in biasing of the indication and tolerances in speedometer stepper motor/needle movement. The IPC receives the cruise control set speed display message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the cruise control set speed display message from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.


The DTE is calculated in the PCM using the Running Average Fuel Economy (RAFE), which is the fuel economy up to 400 km (250 miles), and the fuel level input from the fuel sender to determine how many kilometers (miles) the vehicle can be driven based on the remaining fuel in the tank. The DTE displayed value can increase, or decrease, or stay the same value depending on customer driving patterns.

The Running Average Fuel Economy (RAFE) is not transmitted over the CAN, however the IPC will show an invalid Running Average Fuel Economy (RAFE) value in Engineering Test Mode. The DTE can vary in the short term by up to 80 km (50 miles), but is usually within 16 km (10 miles). Even if the fuel economy is relatively constant, the DTE can be off over a 80 km (50 mile) range by -24% to +38%.

The DTE display and the fuel gauge both use the fuel level input from the fuel tank and engine fuel consumption to provide their respective functions. If the fuel gauge doesn't function correctly, both the fuel gauge and the DTE display are affected.

If the DTE does not function correctly and the fuel gauge is correct, then Running Average Fuel Economy (RAFE), odometer or vehicle speed related input can be invalid.

The PCM defaults to a preset baseline L/100km (mpg) when the keep alive memory is reset or PCM is flashed and changes afterward based on driving habits and conditions.

NOTE: The customer calculated DTE can be higher or lower than the DTE displayed in the message center due to changes in driving conditions. It is important to understand how the DTE is calculated and the factors that impact the DTE display when determining how to address any DTE concerns.

Since the DTE is calculated and averaged over a longer period of time (400 km [250 miles]), varying driving conditions can have a significant impact on the current or short term DTE as opposed to the displayed DTE. This difference often leads to customer complaints of incorrect or invalid DTE. The following list provides some (not all) of the driving conditions that may lead to an incorrect or fluctuating DTE concern:

  • Changing between towing/not towing.
  • Changing driving between city and highway.
  • Allowing the vehicle to idle for long periods of time.
  • Using the remote start feature frequently to allow the vehicle to warm up, particularly when parked on a grade.
  • Parking or driving on grades.
  • Inconsistent use of gasoline or E85 fuels.
  • Over-fueling or not filling the tank completely (trickle filling at above full, partial filling with less than 10% of tank capacity).

The PCM uses the following network messages to control the DTE.

  • Fuel alcohol percent
  • Fuel flow volume display
  • Odometer count
  • Transport mode
  • Fuel level input from the IPC

The IPC receives all messages from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the transport mode message from the BCM over the HS-CAN1 and the fuel alcohol percent, fuel flow volume display and the odometer count messages from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Range Display (PHEV)

The IPC provides a message center display indicating the estimated distance the vehicle can travel with the energy currently available. Estimates will vary based on the energy used while driving. Changes in driving patterns can cause the values to increase, decrease, or remain constant for extended periods of time.

The electric range display indicates the estimated distance the vehicle can travel on electric power only, with the engine off. The IPC receives the hybrid mode status display message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the hybrid mode status display message from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

The gasoline engine display indicates the estimated distance to empty based on the fuel remaining in the tank. Refer to DTE in this section.

Engine Idle Hour and Engine Hour Displays (Police Only)

The IPC provides the engine idle hour and engine hour displays for Police vehicles. The engine idle hour function displays the number of hours the vehicle's engine has been in idle state and vehicle speed at zero. The engine hour function displays the number of hours the vehicle's engine has been operated.

The IPC receives the vehicle speed and engine rpm data messages from the GWM over the HS-CAN. The GWM receives the vehicle speed and engine rpm data messages from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

Engine Oil Life Message Center Display

The IPC provides message center messages to inform the driver about the engine oil life status and when an engine oil change is required. The duration of the interval between engine oil changes is calculated in the PCM and varies due to driving conditions. The PCM assumes a base mileage of 16,090 km (10,000 mi) or 1 year for normal driving. However, this number is adjusted down for conditions such as high engine temperature, high engine rpm, use of flex fuel and possibly low engine oil level. The PCM calculates and provides the engine oil life percent message to the IPC. The engine oil change minder can be reset at any time by the driver.

The PCM receives the engine oil life data reset request from the GWM over the HS-CAN1. The GWM receives the engine oil life data reset request from the IPC over the HS-CAN3.

The IPC receives the engine oil life message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3.

The GWM receives the engine oil life message from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

Factory-Transport Mode Display

During vehicle build, some modules, such as the IPC and the BCM, are set in factory mode. While in the factory mode the IPC displays FACTORY MODE CONTACT DEALER in the message center. If the vehicle is set in factory mode, the system does not automatically exit the mode and must be manually set to either the transport or normal operation mode.

When the vehicle build is complete, the vehicle is set to transport mode. While in transport mode, the IPC displays TRANSPORT MODE CONTACT DEALER in the message center. Transport mode is used to reduce the drain on the battery during longer periods where the vehicle is not used. Various systems may be altered or are disabled when in the transport mode. The vehicle automatically reverts to normal operation mode after being driven 80 km (50 mi).

The IPC receives the factory mode and transport mode messages from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the factory mode and transport mode messages from the BCM over the HS-CAN1.

Forward Collision Warning Alert Display

When the pre-collision alert system detects that a forward collision is possible or imminent, the IPC provides a forward collision warning alert in the message center along with a chime, to alert the driver to take evasive action, or to prepare for the vehicle's auto-braking system to slow or stop the vehicle. The IPC receives the forward collision warning indicator request message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the forward collision warning indicator request message from the IPMA over the HS-CAN2.

MyKey® Function Displays

The IPC provides message center displays for the MyKey® feature. MyKey® displays are controlled through the IPC software based on the MyKey® settings configured through the centerstack display menus and the type of key in use (MyKey® or administrator key). The MyKey® function also uses other messages received by the IPC for other indications such as vehicle speed for speed limiter displays.


The IPC receives the odometer count message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the odometer count from the PCM over the HS-CAN1. The IPC monitors the odometer count input from the PCM and commands the odometer with a digital display in the message center.

Outside Air Temperature

The Ambient Air Temperature (AAT) sensor is hardwired to the PCM through separate input and return circuits. The PCM provides a reference voltage to the Ambient Air Temperature (AAT) sensor and monitors the change in voltage resulting from changes in resistance as determined by outside air temperature.

The PCM sends the ambient air temperature data to the GWM through the HS-CAN1. The GWM sends the ambient air temperature message to the HVAC over the MS-CAN. The HVAC module filters the data and sends the outside air temperature data to the GWM over the MS-CAN. The GWM sends the outside air temperature message to the IPC over the HS-CAN3.

The HVAC module is programmed to update the messaged outside temperature data at different rates depending on several criteria to prevent false temperature displays due to a condition known as heat soaking. Heat soaking is where the outside air temperature is hotter in the location of the Ambient Air Temperature (AAT) sensor than the actual outside air temperature.

The outside air temperature display update strategy requires a starting temperature to update from. This starting temperature is controlled based on the length of time the engine is off and the engine temperature. When the engine has been off for longer than 4 hours, the update strategy begins with the unfiltered ambient air temperature input to the PCM. If the engine has been off for less than 4 hours, and the engine coolant temperature is less than 30° C (86° F), the update strategy begins with the filtered ambient air temperature equal to the unfiltered ambient air temperature. If the engine has been off for less than 4 hours, and the engine coolant temperature is greater than 30° C (86° F), the update strategy begins at the stored previous outside air temperature value.

When the sensed outside temperature rises and the vehicle speed is above 32 km/h (21 mph), the outside air temperature display updates after approximately 90 seconds. As the vehicle speed increases, the outside air temperature display updates at a faster rate that is proportional to the increase in vehicle speed. Once the vehicle speed exceeds 80 km/h (50 mph), the display updates without any delay. If the vehicle speed drops below 32 km/h (21 mph), the update delays reset. When the sensed outside temperature drops, the display updates more quickly following the drop experienced by the Ambient Air Temperature (AAT) sensor.

Startup/Shutdown Displays

The IPC provides a power on - not ready to drive display in the message center when the power button is pressed without pressing the brake. For HEV, the display is blank. For PHEV, the message center displays a battery gauge along with electric range information. The display will also indicate if the vehicle is currently plugged into an external charging source, charging status, and start and end time of the charging event.

When the vehicle is shut off, the message center displays a trip summary. The trip summary shows the same information as This Trip display, and is cumulative since the last vehicle start. The trip summary information is calculated internally in the IPC. For PHEV, the message center displays charging status, and whether the vehicle is plugged into an external charging source. The charging status is provided along with either charge duration or start or end time for the current charging event.

Message Center Displays - Information On-Demand

The information on-demand displays in the message center are selected by the customer using the RH steering wheel switch.

Electric Efficiency Display (PHEV)

The IPC provides a message center display indicating the average driving distance per kWh of electricity used. The value is calculated when the available electric range is being used, and the gasoline engine is off. A distance per full charge displays the estimated electric vehicle range if the vehicle is plugged into an external charging source and fully charged. The higher the electric efficiency, the higher the distance per full charge.

The IPC receives the range per charge display message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the range per charge display message from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Coach Display (HEV, PHEV)

The Electric Vehicle (EV) coach display provides the driver with vehicle power level and power level recovered during regenerative braking. When the driver accelerates or maintains vehicle speed, the display will indicate the vehicle power, and the power level when the engine will turn on. When the driver decelerates, either by releasing the accelerator pedal or pressing the brake pedal, the gauge will indicate the power being used to slow the vehicle. The display also indicates the amount of energy available that the regenerative braking system can recover. For additional information, refer to the Owner Literature.

The IPC receives the power level fill display, power level threshold display and power regeneration threshold display messages from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the power level fill display, power level threshold display and power regeneration threshold display messages from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

Fuel Economy Display (HEV, PHEV)

The fuel economy display provides the Instantaneous Fuel Economy (IFE) and Average Fuel Economy (AFE) data. The data is displayed as part of the fuel economy information in the on-demand information display in the message center. The Average Fuel Economy (AFE) is the calculated fuel economy since the last reset. It is calculated in the IPC and can be reset or cleared by the customer in the message center. The IPC uses the fuel flow volume display, odometer count, ignition key type and vehicle speed messages to calculate the Average Fuel Economy (AFE). The IPC receives the messages from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the fuel flow volume display, odometer count and vehicle speed messages from the PCM over the HS-CAN1. The GWM receives the ignition key type message from the BCM over the HS-CAN1.

When the gas engine is off, the Instantaneous Fuel Economy (IFE) display is replaced with the message "electric driving".

High Voltage Battery Display (PHEV, China)

The high voltage battey display indicates the total percentage of battery charge available associated with electric only driving range. A full fill display indicates the total amount of energy obtained from an external charging source (vehicle plugged in). When the fill display indicates empty, the powertrain system will automatically switch to operating in hybrid mode.

The IPC receives the battey state of charge data message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the battery state of charge data message from the BECM over the HS-CAN1.

Off Road Display

The off road display shows the vehicle pitch, vehicle roll, front wheel turning angle, 4x4 system status and rear differential lock status. The IPC uses the steering wheel angle, vehicle pitch angle display and vehicle roll angle display messages from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the steering wheel angle, vehicle pitch angle display and vehicle roll angle display messages from the ABS module over the HS-CAN2.

The IPC receives the AWD status display message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the AWD status display message from the AWD module over the HS-CAN2.


The IPC provides a message center display showing each tire on vehicle image to indicate specific tire pressures. The IPC receives the tire pressure placard data message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the tire pressure placard data message from the BCM over the HS-CAN1.

This Trip (HEV, PHEV)

The This Trip display provides a trip timer, trip average fuel economy, total trip distance traveled and distance traveled on electric power only (engine off). If the gas engine has not turned on during the calculated trip, the average fuel economy is not displayed. This Trip automatically resets with each vehicle start. This Trip is calculated internally in the IPC.

Trip 1 and Trip 2

The Trip 1 and Trip 2 displays provide a trip timer, average fuel economy, total trip distance traveled and distance traveled on electric power only (engine off). The customer can reset the Trip data in the message center display. TheTrip displays are calculated internally in the IPC.

Warning Messages


The message center provides warning messages and shifting instructions for the driver when using the 4WD system. The IPC receives the AWD status display request message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the AWD status display request message from the AWD module over the HS-CAN1.

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)

The message center provides messages explaining the need for driver intervention and system status. The adaptive cruise control messages are supplemental to the cruise control RTT indicator and the adaptive cruise control warning chime. The IPC receives the adaptive cruise control warning request message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the adaptive cruise control warning request message from the IPMA over the HS-CAN2.

Active Park Assist

The message center provides a warning message when a fault is detected in the active park assist system. The IPC receives the active park assist warning message request from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the active park assist warning message request from the IPMB over the HS-CAN2.

Adaptive Headlamps

The message center provides a warning message when a fault is detected in the adaptive headlamp system. The IPC receives the adaptive headlamp fault message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the adaptive headlamp fault message from the HCM over the HS-CAN2.

Auto Stop/Start

The message center provides additional instructions for driver intervention or warning messages when a fault in the auto stop/start system is detected. The IPC receives the stop start warning message request from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the stop start warning message request from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

Blind Spot Monitoring System (BLIS®)/Cross Traffic Alert (CTA)

The message center provides messages indicating the reason for the Blind Spot Monitoring System (BLIS®)/Cross Traffic Alert (CTA) fault. The IPC receives the cross traffic alert left sensor status, cross traffic alert right sensor status, side obstacle sensor status-left and side obstacle sensor status-right messages from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the cross traffic alert left sensor status, side obstacle sensor status-left, cross traffic alert right sensor status and side obstacle sensor status-right messages from the SODL and SODR, respectively, over the MS-CAN.

Brake System

The IPC provides brake system messages for the following concerns and status:

  • Low brake fluid level.
  • Electric parking brake status and faults
  • ABS concerns that display along with the brake warning indicator operation.

When the electric park brake is selected, the ABS module sends the brake lamp request and park brake (red) warning indicator request to the GWM over the HS-CAN2. The GWM sends the brake lamp request and park brake (red) warning indicator request to the IPC over the HS-CAN3 to illuminate the brake warning indicator and display the electric parking brake messages.

When a low brake fluid level condition exists, the ABS module sends the brake lamp request message request to the GWM over the HS-CAN1. The GWM sends the message to the IPC over the HS-CAN3 to illuminate the brake warning indicator and turn on the brake fluid level low message in the message center.

When an ABS or parking brake system concern exists, the ABS module sends the brake (red) warning indicator request message to the GWM over the HS-CAN2. The GWM sends the brake (red) warning indicator request message to the IPC over the HS-CAN3 to illuminate the ABS warning indictor and to turn on the check brake system message center warning display.

Brake Over Accelerator

The message center provides a warning message to inform the driver that power is being reduced because the brake pedal is being pressed while the accelerator pedal is pressed. The IPC receives the brake pedal applied message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the brake pedal applied message from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

Charging System

The message center provides a warning message indicating the status of the charging system. When a fault is present in the charging system, the BCM sends the battery low state of charge message to the GWM over the HS-CAN1. The IPC receives the battery low state of charge message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3.

Fuel System

The IPC provides fuel system messages for the following concerns and status:

  • Check fuel fill inlet message (gas) - warns the driver there is a problem with the fuel fill inlet pipe resulting in a significant evaporative emission leak following vehicle refueling
  • Fuel door opening (PHEV) - informs the driver to wait approximately 15 seconds while the fuel system depressurizes
  • Fuel door open (PHEV) - informs the driver the fuel system has depressurized and it is safe to refuel
  • Refuel system status display (PHEV) - displays when the fuel system fails to depressurize or the fuel filler door fails to open
  • Fuel maintenance mode display (HEV) - displays when the engine needs to run to maintain fuel freshness
  • Check fuel door to avoid check engine light (PHEV) - displays as a reminder to close the fuel door

The IPC receives the check fuel fill inlet message request, refuel system status display message and fuel maintenance mode display message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the check fuel fill inlet message request, the refuel system status display message and the fuel maintenance mode display message from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

Door-Hood Ajar

The IPC provides door, hood and liftgate ajar warnings to indicate the status of the doors, liftgate and hood. The IPC receives the driver door ajar, passenger door ajar, left rear door ajar, the right rear door ajar status, liftgate ajar status and hood ajar status messages from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the driver door ajar, passenger door ajar, left rear door ajar, the right rear door ajar status, liftgate ajar status and hood ajar status messages from the BCM over the HS-CAN1. The BCM monitors each of the ajar inputs and sends the specific door ajar status message to the IPC to display the ajar warning indicator and corresponding warning message.


The IPC provides a message center message to indicate there is an EPAS system concern. When a fault exists in the EPAS, the PSCM sends a request to the IPC to display the message.

The IPC receives the EPAS failure message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3.

The GWM receives the EPAS failure message from the PSCM over the HS-CAN2.

Engine Oil Life

The instrument cluster provides messages to inform the driver about the engine oil life status, engine oil life reset status and when an engine oil change is required. The duration of the interval between engine oil changes is calculated in the PCM and varies due to driving conditions. The PCM assumes a base mileage of 16,090 km (10,000 mi) or 1 year for normal driving. However, this number is adjusted down for conditions such as high engine temperature, high engine rpm, use of flex fuel and possibly low engine oil level. The PCM calculates and provides the engine oil life percent message to the IPC. The engine oil change minder can be reset at any time by the driver.

The IPC receives the engine oil life message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the engine oil life message from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

The PCM receives the engine oil life data reset message from the GWM over the HS-CAN1. The GWM receives the engine oil life data reset message from the IPC over the HS-CAN3.

Engine Over-Temperature

The message center provides the engine coolant over-temperature warning message to alert the driver the engine is over temperature. The IPC receives the engine overheat indication request and the engine coolant temperature data from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the engine overheat indication request and the engine over-temperature data message from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

Factory-Transport Mode

The message center provides the factory mode or transport mode warning message to inform the driver the vehicle is still operating in factory or transport mode. The IPC receives the factory mode or transport mode message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the factory mode or transport mode message from the BCM over the HS-CAN1.

Forward Collision

If a fault is detected with the forward collision system, the message center provides the forward collision warning messages to inform the driver of the system status. The IPC receives the forward collision warning message request from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the forward collision warning message request from the IPMA over the HS-CAN2.

Front Camera Malfunction

When a fault is present with the front camera the IPMA sends the front camera display status message to the GWM over HS-CAN2. The IPC receives the front camera display status message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3.

Hill Descent Control

The IPC provides hill descent control warnings to inform the driver of the system status and when driver intervention is required. The ABS sends the hill descent control indicator request message to GWM over HS-CAN2. The IPC receives the hill descent control indicator request message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3.

Hill Start Assist

The message center provides a message indicating the hill start assist feature is not available due to a fault in the ABS. When a fault is detected and the hill start assist is disabled, the ABS module sends the hill start assist status message to the GWM over the HS-CAN2. The GWM sends the hill start assist status message to the IPC over the HS-CAN3.

Keypad Code

The message center displays the factory keypad code when the system resets the keypad. The IPC receives the keycode status message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the keycode status message from the BCM over the HS-CAN1.

Lane Keeping System

The message center provides a warning message for the lane keeping alert and system fault messages for the over all lane keeping system. The IPC receives all required messages from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the lane keeping system status display, camera status and lane keeping system hands off display messages from the IPMA over the HS-CAN2.

Load Shed

The message center provides load shed messages to inform the driver to use less options to conserve battery voltage. The IPC receives the battery low state of charge message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the battery low state of charge message from the BCM over the HS-CAN1.

Low Engine Oil Pressure

The message center provides a low engine oil pressure warning message to inform the driver the engine oil pressure is low. The message supplements the IPC warning indicator and RTT warning indicator. The IPC receives the engine oil pressure warning indicator request message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the engine oil pressure warning indicator request message from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

Low Engine Use Mode (PHEV)

The message center provides a message informing the driver the Electric Vehicle (EV) functionality has been turned off and the engine is running in order to maintain oil quality, due to low engine operation. The IPC receives the vehicle on message display message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the vehicle on message display message from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

Memory Seat

The message center displays messages to inform the driver a selected memory position has been saved or the memory recall is not permitted while the vehicle is in motion. The IPC receives the memory command and memory command drive status messages from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the memory command and memory command drive status messages from the DSM over the MS-CAN.


The IPC provides a number of MyKey® related warnings and status messages to indicate restrictions imposed on the MyKey® user. These include MyKey® active, park aid, speed limits, and buckle up warnings among others. MyKey® displays are controlled through the IPC software based on the MyKey® settings configured through the message center and the type of key in use (MyKey® or administrator key). The MyKey® function also uses other messages received by the IPC for other indications such as vehicle speed for speed limiter displays.

Off Road Mode

The message center provides messages informing the driver the vehicle is entering or exiting off road mode. The IPC receives the AWD status display request from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the AWD status display request from the AWD module over the HS-CAN2.

Parking Aid System

The IPC provides messages to indicate the status of the parking aid system. The IPC receives the parking aid front status and parking aid rear status messages from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the parking aid front status and parking aid rear status messages from the IPMB (with 360° camera) or PAM (without 360° camera) over the HS-CAN2.

PATS And Passive Key And Immobilizer System

The message center provides the starting system fault message to indicate there is a concern with the PATS. The message center provides passive key and immobilizer system messages to indicate the key program is successful, key battery is low, key could not be programmed or failed or maximum number of keys have been programmed. The IPC uses the immobilizer message display messaged input from the BCM to display the applicable message center message.

The IPC receives the immobilizer message request and power pack status from the GWM over the HS-CAN3.

The GWM receives the immobilizer message request from the BCM over the HS-CAN1.

The GWM receives the power pack status from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

Police Idle Mode

The message center provides warning messages indicating the police idle function is active, is not available, or a system fault is detected. The IPC receives the police idle mode message request from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the police idle mode message request from the BCM over the HS-CAN1.

Power Child Lock-Switch Inhibit And Low Key Fob

The IPC provides a power child lock warning to inform the driver the child lock feature did not function properly. The power child lock feature is activated through the rear window lockout switch on the driver side master window control switch.

The IPC provides a switch inhibit warning to notify the driver that some switches have been purposely inhibited and are inoperative. For security purposes, interior switches are inhibited by the BCM 20 seconds after the vehicle is electronically locked and prevents someone from using a stick (or other object) through an open window and activating the switch.

The IPC provides a low key fob battery warning to alert the driver the key fob battery needs to be replaced. The low key fob battery warning is not displayed in RUN or START modes if the power child lock warning is active to prevent the BCM from cycling between the two warnings, causing the chime associated with the power child lock warning to repeatedly sound every 4 seconds.

The IPC receives the lock system message request from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the lock system message request from the BCM over the HS-CAN1.

Powertrain Cooling (GTDI Only)

The message center provides a message to indicate that vehicle power was reduced to lower engine temperature. The IPC receives the powertrain cooling message request from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the powertrain cooling message request from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

Ready to Drive (HEV)

The message center provides a message after the vehicle is started to indicate to the driver the vehicle is ready to drive. The IPC receives the ready to drive display message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the ready to drive display message from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

Rear Seatbelt Monitor

The message center provides a message to indicate the status of the second and third row seatbelts and if they are buckled. The IPC receives the second row driver seatbelt buckle status, second row middle seatbelt buckle status, second row passenger seatbelt buckle status, third row driver seatbelt buckle status and third row passenger seatbelt buckle status messages from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the applicable status messages from the RCM over the HS-CAN2.

Remote Start

The message center provides remote start messages to inform the driver the vehicle is in the remote start active state and how to change the state to a driveable state. The remote start message display is active as soon as the vehicle is remote started (the engine is running, but the ignition is off). Once the driver places the ignition in the RUN state, the IPC carries out its startup sequence. The IPC receives the remote start status message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the remote start status message from the BCM over the HS-CAN1.

Side Wind Compensation

The message center provides a message to inform the driver that the stability-traction control indication is due to a side wind stabilization event. The side wind compensation feature uses the ABS to compensate for strong side winds that can push the vehicle out of its intended lane, similar to the trailer sway feature. The IPC receives the stability-traction control message request from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the stability-traction control message request from the ABS module over the HS-CAN2.

Stability-Traction Control

The message center provides a stability-traction control system message to indicate the system has a fault and requires service. When a fault condition exists, the ABS module sets a DTC and sends the stability-traction control chime request to the GWM over the HS-CAN2. The GWM sends the stability-traction control chime request to the IPC over the HS-CAN3.

Starting System

The message center provides starting system messages to inform the driver of the starting system status and when driver intervention is required in order to start the engine. The IPC receives the starting system message request and the stop-start message request messages from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the starting system message request and the stop-start message request messages from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.


The IPC provides message center displays to indicate the TPMS sensor training status or a malfunction in the TPMS. The IPC receives the tire pressure system status message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the tire pressure system status message from the BCM over the HS-CAN1.

Trailer Sway

The message center provides a message to inform the driver to slow the vehicle to reduce trailer sway and bring the trailer under control. The IPC receives the trailer sway event status message from the GWM over the HS-CAN3. The GWM receives the trailer sway event status message from the ABS module over the HS-CAN2.

Transmission Not In Park (Shift To Park)

The message center provides a shift to park message to inform the driver the vehicle is not in P under 2 sets of conditions. First, the IPC displays the shift to park message if the selector lever is not in P, the ignition is OFF and the driver door is open or ajar. Second, the message center displays the shift to park message if the selector lever is not in P, the ignition is ON or in ACC, the driver door is open or ajar and the brake pedal is not applied with vehicle speed less than 5 km/h (3 mph). The IPC uses multiple messages to control the shift to park message.

The IPC receives all required messages from the GWM over the HS-CAN3.

The GWM receives the transmission gear display and vehicle speed messages from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

The GWM receives the driver door ajar status, transport mode and ignition status message from the BCM over the HS-CAN1.

The IPC also uses the park position detect input to determine whether the vehicle is in P along with the transmission gear display message.

See Park Position Detect Switch component description.

Transmission Not In Park (Rotary Shift)

The message center provides a transmission not in park message to inform the driver the vehicle is not in P.

The IPC receives all required messages from the GWM over the HS-CAN3.

The GWM receives the transmission gear message request and transmission gear status messages from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

The GWM receives the driver door ajar status message and ignition status message from the BCM over the HS-CAN1.

The GWM receives the GSM gear message request from the GSM over the HS-CAN2.

Vehicle On

The message center provides the vehicle on warning message to inform the driver they are exiting the vehicle when the engine is running. The IPC uses multiple inputs to determine the vehicle is stopped and the driver is preparing to exit the vehicle. The messages required to control the vehicle on warning message are as follows:

  • Driver door ajar status
  • Power pack status
  • Transmission gear display

The IPC receives all required messages from the GWM over the HS-CAN3.

The GWM receives the driver door ajar status from the BCM over the HS-CAN1.

The GWM receives the power pack status and transmission gear display messages from the PCM over the HS-CAN1.

Component Description

Brake Fluid Level Switch

The brake fluid level switch is mounted in the master cylinder reservoir and is hardwired to the ABS module through a single signal and ground circuits. The ABS module provides a reference voltage to the brake fluid level switch. When the brake fluid level is high the switch closes, pulling the reference voltage low. When the brake fluid level is low, the switch opens, sending the reference voltage high on the signal circuit to the ABS module.

Engine Oil Pressure Sensor

The engine oil pressure sensor is hardwired to the PCM through voltage reference (VREF), signal and return circuits. The PCM provides the sensor voltage supply on the VREF circuit and monitors the change in voltage through the signal and return circuits as the engine oil pressure changes.

Fuel Level Sender (Float and Card)

The fuel level sender is mounted to the fuel pump and sender unit. The fuel level sender is a dual sweep potentiometer style resistor connected to a float mechanism. Each sweep has multiple fingers that reduces intermittent loss of data. As the fuel level changes, the float rises or falls with the fuel level moving the sweep arm across the resistor wires. This movement either increases or decreases the resistance through the unit. The fuel level sensor resistance ranges from 180 ohms ± 4 ohms to 10 ohms ± 2 ohms. When the fuel level is low, the fuel level sensor resistance is high. When the fuel level is high, the fuel level sensor resistance is low.

The fuel pump and sender unit is hardwired to the IPC through separate signal and return circuits. The fuel level return circuits are grounded internally in the IPC. The IPC provides a reference voltage on the fuel level signal circuit. As the fuel level changes, the change in resistance raises or lowers the fuel level signal voltage depending on the resistance of the fuel level sender. The IPC converts the fuel level signals and sends them to the PCM through the GWM.

Park Position Detect Switch

The park position detect switch is hardwired to the IPC through a single signal circuit and is grounded by a separate circuit through the selector lever. The IPC provides a reference voltage to the park position detect switch. When the selector lever is in PARK (P), the park position detect switch closes to ground, pulling the reference voltage low. When the selector lever is moved out of PARK (P), the park position detect switch opens to ground, sending the reference voltage high to the IPC.

Seatbelt Buckle Sensor

The seatbelt buckles contain integrated sensors that are Hall-effect switches. The seatbelt buckle sensors are serviced as one component with the seatbelt buckle.

Steering Wheel Switch - Message Center

The message center switch is the 5-way portion of the RH steering wheel switch. The message center switch uses different resistance values associated with each specific button (up, down, left, right and OK). The SCCM sends out a reference voltage to the upper RH steering wheel switch on the input circuit and monitors the voltage drops. The voltage drop varies depending upon the resistance of the specific button pressed, providing indication to the SCCM which button is pressed.

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