Ford Explorer: Passive Anti-Theft System (PATS) / Description and Operation - Passive Anti-Theft System (PATS) - Overview
The PATS deters the vehicle from theft by preventing the vehicle from starting unless a programmed PATS key is in the ignition lock cylinder.
PATS does not disable a vehicle that is already running.
System Operation
System Diagram
*.sttxt {
visibility: hidden;
*.stcallout {
visibility: visible;
Other information:
Refer to the appropriate Section 303-01 for the specification.
Measure the cylinder bore at the top, middle and bottom
of piston ring travel in 2 directions as indicated. Verify the cylinder
bore is within the wear limit. The difference indicates the cylinder
bore taper...
Remove the front halfshaft.
Refer to: Halfshaft (205-04 Front Drive Halfshafts, Removal and Installation).
Remove the engine mount LH.
Refer to: Engine Mount LH (303-01 Engine)
Detach the front axle assembly vent hose...
You can use the power door lock control or the remote control to lock and unlock
your vehicle.
Power Door Locks
The power door lock control is on the driver and front passenger door panels.
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