Ford Explorer: Automatic Transmission - 10-Speed Automatic Transmission – 10R60 / Diagnosis and Testing - Parameter Identification (PID) Chart

Ford Explorer 2020-2025 Service Manual / Powertrain / Automatic Transmission / Automatic Transmission - 10-Speed Automatic Transmission – 10R60 / Diagnosis and Testing - Parameter Identification (PID) Chart

  Diagnostic PID Chart

PID Acronym PID Name Description
APP APP sensor   APP
APP1 APP sensor 1 APP 1
AST Time Since Start Time (in seconds) since the vehicle was started
CLRDIST Distance since DTC cleared Distance driven since PCM DTCs were cleared
ECT TCM   ECT TCM Engine coolant temperature data provided to the TCM
ENGLOAD Engine Load Engine load calculated by PCM
ETC_ACT Electronic Throttle Control Actual Electronic Throttle Control Actual calculated by PCM
FOOT_BRAKE Foot Brake - Foot brake state used by strategy Foot brake state used by strategy calculated by PCM
GEAR_CMD Gear Commanded by Module PCM commanded transmission gear
GEAR_ENGAGED Transmission Gear Engaged Transmission Gear Engaged
GEAR_OSC# Gear Commanded by Output State Control Output state control commanded gear
ISS_A_QF Transmission Input Shaft Speed Sensor -A- Quality Factor Transmission Input Shaft Speed Sensor -A- Quality Factor
ISS_A_RAW Intermediate Speed -A- Raw Intermediate Speed -A- Raw
ISS_B_RAW Intermediate Shaft Speed -B- Raw Intermediate Shaft Speed -B- Raw
ISS_B_QF Transmission Input Shaft Speed Sensor -B- Quality Factor Transmission Input Shaft Speed Sensor -B- Quality Factor
LINEDSD# Line Pressure Control Desired Commanded line pressure
MIL_DIS The distance travelled since the (MIL) was activated The distance travelled since the MIL was activated
OSS_QF Transmission Output Shaft Speed Sensor Quality Factor Fault status for the OSS sensor
OSS_RAW Output Shaft Speed - Raw Actual speed of the OSS sensor (rpm)
PCA Pressure Control Solenoid A   LPC
PCA AMP# Pressure Control Solenoid A   LPC
PCA_F Pressure Control Solenoid A Status   LPC
PWRT_FUNCMON_A Powertrain Secondary Monitor/Performance Fault A Powertrain Secondary Monitor/Performance Fault A
PWRT_FUNCMON_B Powertrain Secondary Monitor/Performance Fault A Powertrain Secondary Monitor/Performance Fault A
REALTIME Total time (ECU) has been active ECU Time running
RPM_TCM Engine Revolutions Per Minute Engine rpm input to TCM
SHFT_DROP Shift RPM Drop in Input Shaft Speed Below Expected Shift rpm drop in input shaft speed below expected
SHFT_FLRE Shift RPM Rise in Input Shaft Speed Above Expected Shift rpm rise in input shaft speed above expected
SHFT_ID Shift Identification of Shift (PID)s Lag, Time, Flare and Drop Shift identification of shift PIDs lag, time, flare and drop
SHFT_LAG Shift Time Elapsed From 10% to 90% of Complete Actual time during shift between 10% and 90% complete
SHFT_TIME Shift Time Elapsed From Commanded to 10% Complete Shift time 0% to 10% complete
SNOWPLW_CFG Snowplow as configured in the (PCM). Snowplow as configured in the (PCM).
SS_ABS_TC_IN (Stop-Start) Antilock Brake And Traction Control Summary (Stop-Start) Antilock Brake And Traction Control Summary
SS_CONTROL_STATE (Stop-Start) Main Control State Machine (Stop-Start) Main Control State Machine
SS_CTRL_CRANK_CMD (Stop-Start) Main Control Crank Command And Hardware Feedback (Stop-Start) Main Control Crank Command And Hardware Feedback
SS_HUMAN_INPUT (Stop-Start) Monitor Human Input Summary Including Accelerator, Brake, Clutch, Shift Input, Or Cruise Control (Stop-Start) Monitor Human Input Summary Including Accelerator, Brake, Clutch, Shift Input, Or Cruise Control
SS_MON_STATE_TIMER (Stop-Start) Monitor State Machine Transition Timer (Stop-Start) Monitor State Machine Transition Timer
SS_MONITOR_STATE (Stop-Start) Monitor State Machine (Stop-Start) Monitor State Machine
SS_SHIFTER_IN (Stop-Start) Shift Lever Position Input (Stop-Start) Vehicle Speed and Powertrain Shaft Speeds Summary
SS_SPEED_INPUT (Stop-Start) Vehicle Speed and Powertrain Shaft Speeds Summary (Stop-Start) Vehicle Speed and Powertrain Shaft Speeds Summary
SS_STRTR_HEAT (Start-Stop) Starter Motor Heat State (Start-Stop) Starter Motor Heat State
SSPCA Shift Solenoid Pressure Control A Commanded pressure for the Shift Solenoid Pressure Control A (SSPCA)/CB1234
SSA_AMP # Shift Solenoid Pressure Control A Commanded current for the Shift Solenoid Pressure Control A (SSPCA)/CB1234
SSPCA_F (SSPCA) Status Fault status for the Shift Solenoid Pressure Control A (SSPCA)/CB1234
SSPCB Shift Solenoid Pressure Control B Commanded pressure for the Shift Solenoid Pressure Control B (SSPCB)/C35R
SSB_AMP Shift Solenoid Pressure Control B Commanded current for the Shift Solenoid Pressure Control B (SSPCB)/C35R
SSPCB_F (SSPCB) Status Fault status for the Shift Solenoid Pressure Control B (SSPCB)/C35R
SSPCC Shift Solenoid Pressure Control C Commanded pressure for the Shift Solenoid Pressure Control C (SSPCC)/CB26
SSC_AMP Shift Solenoid Pressure Control C Commanded current for the Shift Solenoid Pressure Control C (SSPCC)/CB26
SSPCC_F (SSPCC) Status Fault status for the Shift Solenoid Pressure Control C (SSPCC)/CB26
SSPCD Shift Solenoid Pressure Control D Commanded pressure for the Shift Solenoid Pressure Control D (SSPCD)/CBLR, C456
SSD_AMP Shift Solenoid Pressure Control D Commanded current for the Shift Solenoid Pressure Control D (SSPCD)/CBLR, C456
SSPCD_F (SSPCD) Status Fault status for the Shift Solenoid Pressure Control D (SSPCD)/CBLR, C456
SSPCE Shift Solenoid Pressure Control E Commanded pressure for the Shift Solenoid Pressure Control E (SSPCE)/CBLR, C456
SSE_AMP Shift Solenoid Pressure Control E Commanded current for the Shift Solenoid Pressure Control E (SSPCE)/CBLR, C456
SSPCE_F (SSPCE) Status Fault status for the Shift Solenoid Pressure Control E (SSPCE)/CBLR, C456
SST_D SelectShift™ Transmission - Down Switch Input SelectShift™ transmission-down switch input
SST_U SelectShift™ Transmission - Up Switch Input SelectShift™ transmission-up switch input
TCC AMP Converter Pressure Control Commanded current for the TCC
TC_SLIPACT Torque Converter Slip Actual Actual difference between engine speed and turbine speed, measured in rpm
TC_SLIPDSD Torque Converter Slip Desired PCM commanded difference between engine speed and turbine speed, measured in rpm
TCC Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid Commanded pressure for the TCC
TCC_F Torque Converter Clutch Pressure Control Fault Fault status for the TCC
TCC_OSC Output State Control of Torque Converter Output state control commanded pressure to the TCC
TCC_RAT Torque Slip Ratio Actual speed ratio of torque converter (1.0 = fully engaged)
TCS_DEPRES Transmission Control Switch Pressed TCS status
TCS_STATE Transmission Control Switch Requested State TCS status
TFT Transmission Fluid Temperature   TFT
TFT_F Transmission Fluid Temperature Status Fault status for TFT sensor
TFTV Transmission Fluid Temperature TFT voltage
TR Transmission Range   TR
TR_CRANK Transmission Range Input Allowing Engine Start   TR
TR_F Transmission Range Status Fault status for TR sensor
TRAN_RAT Gear Ratio Measured Actual transmission gear ratio
TRANS_VOLT_A Transmission Supply Voltage Control State Transmission supply voltage
TRO_N_F Neutral Output Status Transmission neutral output status
TRO_P_F Park Output Status Transmission park output status
TSS_F Turbine Shaft Speed Reliable Fault status of the TSS sensor (rpm)
TSS_RAW Unfiltered Turbine Shaft Speed Actual speed of the TSS sensor (rpm)
VPWR_PCM Module supply voltage PCM supply voltage
VSS Vehicle Speed Vehicle Speed
VSS_HR Vehicle Speed High Resolution Vehicle Speed High Resolution
WARMUPS Number Of Warm-ups Since (DTCs) Cleared Number Of Warm-ups Since (DTCs) Cleared counter

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