Ford Explorer: Rear Suspension / Removal and Installation - Lower Arm

Ford Explorer 2020-2025 Service Manual / Chassis / Suspension / Rear Suspension / Removal and Installation - Lower Arm

Special Tool(s) / General Equipment

Vehicle/Axle Stands


NOTICE: Suspension fasteners are critical parts that affect the performance of vital components and systems. Failure of these fasteners may result in major service expense. Use the same or equivalent parts if replacement is necessary. Do not use a replacement part of lesser quality or substitute design. Tighten fasteners as specified.

  1. Remove the wheel and tire.
    Refer to: Wheel and Tire (204-04A Wheels and Tires, Removal and Installation).
  1. NOTE: If equipped with dynamic suspension.

    Disconnect the rear ride height sensor electrical connector and separate the wiring harness guide.
  1. NOTE: If equipped with dynamic suspension.

    1. Remove the rear ride height sensor anchor plate bolt.
    1. Remove the rear ride height sensor arm anchor plate bolt.
    1. Remove the rear ride height sensor assembly.
  1. NOTICE: Do not attempt to jacking on the front control arm or rear control arm on any vehicle. Damage to control arms may occur.

    NOTICE: Make sure that the insulator pads are correctly positioned to prevent direct contact with other components.

    Raise the suspension to curb height.
    Use the General Equipment: Vehicle/Axle Stands
  1. Remove and discard the toe link-to-wheel knuckle bolt and nut.
  1. NOTE: Make sure that the knuckle is supported with suitable retaining straps.

    1. Remove and discard the rear stabilizer bar link lower nut and position the rear stabilizer bar link aside.
    1. Remove and discard lower arm-to-wheel knuckle bolt and nut, separate the wheel knuckle from the lower arm.
  1. Remove and discard the lower arm-to-frame forward bolt and flagnut.
  1. NOTICE: Take extra care when handling a compressed spring. Failure to follow this instruction may result in personal injury.

    NOTICE: Do not attempt to jacking on the front control arm or rear control arm on any vehicle. Damage to control arms may occur.

    NOTICE: Make sure that the insulator pads are correctly positioned to prevent direct contact with other components.

    NOTE: Do not allow the rear spring to fall.

    1. Lower the suspension to release the spring compression.
      Use the General Equipment: Vehicle/Axle Stands
    1. Remove the spring by lowering the lower arm and position aside.
    1. Remove and discard the lower arm-to-frame rearward bolt and remove the lower arm
      Use the General Equipment: Vehicle/Axle Stands


  1. Make sure that the lower spring seat is properly aligned.
  1. NOTICE: Do not attempt to jacking on the front control arm or rear control arm on any vehicle. Damage to control arms may occur.

    NOTICE: Make sure that the insulator pads are correctly positioned to prevent direct contact with other components.

    NOTE: Hold spring in place while installing lower arm.

    1. NOTE: Before tightening the lower arm bolt, use a jackstand to raise the rear suspension to ride height

      Position the jackstand under the lower arm and raise the lower arm into position.
      Use the General Equipment: Vehicle/Axle Stands
    1. NOTE: Make sure the upper spring seat is properly positioned on the upper spring mount.

      Install the spring into the upper and lower spring seat.
    1. NOTE: Only tighten the nut and bolt finger tight at this stage.

      Install the new lower arm-to-frame rearward bolt.
  1. NOTE: Only tighten the nut and bolt finger tight at this stage.

    Install the new lower arm-to-frame forward bolt and flagnut.
  1. NOTE: Only tighten the nut and bolt finger tight at this stage.

    1. Position the wheel knuckle to the lower arm and install the new lower arm-to-wheel knuckle bolt and nut.
    1. Position the rear stabilizer bar link and install the new rear stabilizer bar link lower nut.
  1. NOTE: Only tighten the nut and bolt finger tight at this stage.

    Install the new toe link-to-wheel knuckle bolt and nut.
  1. NOTICE: Do not attempt to jacking on the front control arm or rear control arm on any vehicle. Damage to control arms may occur.

    NOTICE: Make sure that the insulator pads are correctly positioned to prevent direct contact with other components.

    Suspension at curb height.
    Use the General Equipment: Vehicle/Axle Stands
  1. NOTICE: Tighten the suspension bushing fasteners with the suspension loaded or with the weight of the vehicle resting on the wheels and tires, otherwise incorrect clamp load and bushing damage may occur.

    Tighten the new lower arm-to-frame rearward bolt.
    Torque: 184 lb.ft (250 Nm)
  1. NOTICE: Tighten the suspension bushing fasteners with the suspension loaded or with the weight of the vehicle resting on the wheels and tires, otherwise incorrect clamp load and bushing damage may occur.

    Tighten the new lower arm-to-frame forward bolt and flagnut.
    Torque: 166 lb.ft (225 Nm)
  1. NOTICE: Tighten the suspension bushing fasteners with the suspension loaded or with the weight of the vehicle resting on the wheels and tires, otherwise incorrect clamp load and bushing damage may occur.

    1. Tighten the new lower arm-to-wheel knuckle bolt and nut.
      Torque: 258 lb.ft (350 Nm)
    1. Tighten the new rear stabilizer bar link lower nut.
      Torque: 76 lb.ft (103 Nm)
  1. NOTICE: Tighten the suspension bushing fasteners with the suspension loaded or with the weight of the vehicle resting on the wheels and tires, otherwise incorrect clamp load and bushing damage may occur.

    Tighten the new toe link-to-wheel knuckle bolt and nut.
    Torque: 184 lb.ft (250 Nm)
  1. NOTE: If equipped with dynamic suspension.

    1. Position the rear ride height sensor assembly.
    1. Intsall the rear ride height sensor arm anchor plate bolt.
      Torque: 133 (15 Nm)
    1. Install the rear ride height sensor anchor plate bolt.
      Torque: 22 lb.ft (30 Nm)
  1. NOTE: If equipped with dynamic suspension.

    Connect the rear ride height sensor electrical connector and position the wiring harness guide.
  1. Install the wheel and tire.
    Refer to: Wheel and Tire (204-04A Wheels and Tires, Removal and Installation).
  1. Check and if necessary adjust rear camber.
    Refer to: Rear Camber Adjustment (204-00 Suspension System - General Information, General Procedures).
  1. NOTE: If equipped with dynamic suspension.

    Calibrate the suspension system. Connect the scan tool and carry out the Ride Height Calibration routine. Follow the scan tool directions.

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